Friday, May 1, 2015

Sources for Foods and Herbals - by SnowDropHerbals

Today, I want to share with you places I have found for reputable, 'Good for YOU',  Food, Herbs, & Supplements - these sources are all online... YAY convenience! 

SnowDropHerbals Dish, Leek Cauliflower menage left, Cultured Red Potato Salad right :

 Garlic,  Sea Salt, and Mustard Courtesy of Mountain Rose Herbals, below

These are my go-to places for items that here, are simply too expensive in the local stores, and really help us out as a family. We grow a lot of our own vegetables and herbs of course, but it is not possible to always have what is needed, and Mother Nature loves to be capricious which can impact our garden .....

SnowDropHerbals refer clients to these places as well. They help with the transition, and offerings are great, tasty  and can make life easier on the food front.

It is still not standard nor easy to find Grass Fed meats, Gluten Free, etc for many on a local level. I am sad to state even our local Farmers Market rarely has  my favorite go-to produce, preserves or plants, and we are high up in the Colorado Rockies, near Pikes Peak! 

Here's to the growing trend that Farmers change back over to real food!! Believe me, every week last year I attended the Market, hopeful, and asked about this,  and out of 100+ stalls, only 2 had  offerings we will eat. Ga, I was disappointed. So, I turned to the internet to fill the holes our garden cannot fill.

As my daughters and I all have Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and lots of lovely MTHFR et all Genes, as well as chemical sensitivity now, it is important for us to continue with our current trend. It WORKS.

We made this lifestyle decision based on optimal food, herbs, and supplements, that work best for us on an enzyme level, and to assist our GI healing. In the Wellness consults I provide via SnowDropHerbals, the same practice is applied, with great results!

I know, it is hard to switch from the modern, in-a-box (with a huge ingredient list that cannot be pronounced!) diet, laden with bad fats, fake sugar, and gluten just to name a few....To a low Carb, healthy and Preservative-free one. Harder still, when locally prices are through the roof, or the foods just are not available. So, below is a list of websites I at times buy from. Many offer free shipping, most give discounts, and all have something to recommend them. Note, please, do continue to read labels and avoid that which you are not comfortable using! These are recommendations only, but may help you find the foods  you need, supplements, or herbals you want.

SnowDropHerbals Treats, Mini Sprouted Biscotti Bites made from the flours purchased at Healthy Flours, below :
Made with a little raw Honey and Vanilla to add sweetness...

Suggested places :
Meat and Things.....
For Grass fed, Pastured meats, and also Soy free Chicken, Duck, Broth bones, Lard, even Natural cheeses :
Good Earth Farms

US Wellness Meats has fabulous Paleo snacks, Duck and Chicken liver, and other tasty offerings, including Beef Bacon :
U.S Wellness Meats

In The Greater Southwest Area, Brad Delivers, including Wyoming, Texas, Kansas and Colorado, and New Mexico you can order 1/2 and whole processed Lamb, Beef, and Pork here.... Brads meat is fully grass-fed, pastured, steroid, and antibiotic free. He also will ship all over the U.S.A :
Carnivore for Life ~ Brad 

General Markets : For Supplements, Herbals, Teas and pre-made Organic, Paleo, or Gluten free offerings:
Thrive Market


Mountain Rose Herbs

For special items, Barbeque for Fathers Day, Mothers Day treats, & Holiday bits we go here... They offer lovely organic Cheeses, Meats, Sauces... Pricier but world renowned offerings:

For Fermenting, Probiotics made by you, and Cultures Including my favorites! Such as Non Dairy Yogurt cultures, tabletop Yogurt (no heating!), and gluten free Sourdough Starter :
Cultures for Health 

For Sprouted & Organic Flour, Grains, Oats, Granola & Beans... Even Resistant Starches! Visit :
Healthy Grains & Flour  

For Organic, Gluten Free Ready made flour, baking mixes, and cake mixes :
WholeSome Chow Baking 

All of these can help you shorten that cooking or prep time, and make life easier. You can still have a life and be healthy, and eat healthy, utilizing some of the stores above.

SnowDropHerbals Treat... Rose Jasmine Tea Ice Cream made from fermented Coconut Milk:
 Cultures for Lemon Curd and Coconut are from Cultures for Health

Enjoy, and let us know, share, which site above, have you visited? Did offerings make life easier during your healthy food journey?  They have for us, and I hope they help you too.

Till next week :)

To Healing, Health, & Wellness!
Our Site: SnowDropHerbals Nutrition & Wellness

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