As promised! The launch of The Healthy Mito Cookbook by SnowDrop Herbals.... This is a digital print for $10.99usd, with loads of recipes and tips..A Beginners guide to eating in Wellness....
Low and Moderate Oxalate, Low Glycemic, Inflammation beating Recipes that are sprouted, gluten free, and great for your Mito! I felt tailoring the cookbook to individuals per se would be difficult, so I aimed for foods that we know are ;
Good for your energy pathways
Support detoxification
Support certain enzyme function via nutrition, such as folates and B vitamins for MTHFR MTR.
Moderate excess oxalates (since many with Lyme or Mito Dysfunction have oxalate issues)
Remove the Main Trigger foods for histamines - Wheat, Corn, Unfermented Soy, Cow Dairy, Barley, Rye, and modulate Sugars, etc.
After much compilation of my little itty bits of paper with scribbled recipes that I have created over time (We all enjoy good tasting food!). This cookbook was born for clients and expanded to be offered to anyone that wants .... Some Pegan, some Paleo, all Mito Friendly recipes. These are also nightshade free, some have sprouted grains, all are tasty and good for you and your autoimmune, as well as methylation pathways! These are of course suggestions, apply as befits your situation.
At the back is a food tracker you can print and use each day to track nutrition, and some tips and info scattered throughout, such as, how to maintain DAO enzyme function with certain foods.
I hope you enjoy this cookbook, and it makes your life easier on your journey to Wellness. Many of the foods work with the Krebs cycle, DAO, MTHFR, MTRR and other enzymes, via targeted and dense nutrition. These recipes are from our kitchen, and after much trial and error, we believe, are tasty and simple to make.
The Healthy Mito Cookbook has helped my family to enjoy food while getting on the path to Wellness, but those itty bitty bits of scribbled papers, well, they caused a wee bit of frustration... Now, they are a handy book on offer to you! 93 Pages of info, recipes and tips to make daily life easier :) .... If you like, click the 'Buy Now' button below and our Ebook Cookbook will be delivered via email after payment clears. We send this via email the morning after payment so please ADD your email address at checkout!, so we can send the link within 24hrs of placing orders. Enjoy!
As always, Be Happy, Be Healthy, and Be Well - SnowDrop Herbals
SnowDropHerbals Website
To Order YOUR cookbook, click here!