The Snow Flake Effect .... Meaning, the unique
characteristics of each of us at the Genetic or Mitochondrial level, is
never the same.... No two snowflakes are the same in nature, hence, no
two people are. These include key Enzyme and Snp functions that tell our
body how to react to certain foods, medicines, and even situations and environment.
Some 'Conventionalists' say this enzyme function does not matter. Environment has no impact on a person! Why, the load would have to be huge! Everyone is into a new 'Fad' they say, looking into genetics and body system function(s) and reactions. LUDICROUS, they say. Are they right?
To me no....... We are in the 21st century, they gained huge insight into the genome over a decade ago! Genes are used in food production, in pharmaceutical advancement, all sorts of arena's never even conceived of a century ago. But, wait, not for individual wellness. That is a no-no.
No, it is not.
This is an obtuse and narrow - minded - to - the - extreme, attitude. I ask: Why then, are hospitals, Doctors and Scientists around the world using this information to ascertain allergic processes and reversal of same? How to combat inflammation, how to gain Wellness, use medications and herbals? Are they delusional? NO. They use this paradigm because it works. It gives clues and insight we have never before had in history on how our bodies function and react. Period. To say this does NOT matter is the zealot attitude based on fear of change or another reason I cannot comprehend.
Positive change is a wonderful thing, and so is the knowledge of Self. Take these clues and use them on your path to Wellness, do not let fear make your decisions for you.
If you want to eat sugar, go ahead...Want to eat a certain food, knowing better? Or take a Medicine you have an allergy to? That too is your right. I myself tend to make other choices, but this is ALL about choice.
To many, to feel better, to optimize system function, all take the total person into account. INCLUDING genetics. Mind you not 'just' genetics, but the whole person, findings, issues, labs, etc.
Doctors take down history, record allergies, discuss diet and lifestyle, and many now, use genetic predispositions as markers. Why? Because we are individuals, and we react as such.
If we were not each individual, well then, nothing would be wrong and we would all be well forever, for how simple medicine would be to treat everyone! No reactions, all is golden, all is well, ALL the time. Wellness and feeling better would be a breeze, all medicines would work
for all people, and allergies, a thing of the past, and no adverse
reactions to herbals, food or medicine would happen!
find Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics fascinating and informative, a key
or core facet of 'Who we Are'. Personally, I have achieved a
great deal, and helped others, using data from mitochondria testing
reports to target the best foods, the best herbals, and what to
avoid that are individualized to each person, via suggestions. So talk with your practitioner, get them your info, make a protocol!.... I am open about my health issues, which are ; Mitochondrial Dysfunction induced via Antibiotic Toxicity... aka Auto Immune Disease / Metabolic disorder. If I can work on wellness in this manner, I see no reason others too cannot get help... Many people CAN reduce inflammation, pain, and optimize nutritional
status this way too. As well, the Snp data and gene information and suggestions you use
as part of this journey can be very beneficial regarding the best medicines
to use, or avoid, if you decide to go the conventional route for
treatment of issues you may have. Another piece of the puzzle is your
intracellular nutritional status. This shows if your mitochondria and
energy powerhouse, are getting the nutrients they need, from what you
are eating.
How I used the Snow Flake Effect to get a grip.....
top ways to begin tying it all together ~ to see the big picture of
what is needed, and the beginning of your healing journey :
1. Knowledge. This changed my fear to hope, and hope to action.
2. Get a 23andme genetics test done.
3. Have Intracellular nutritional testing. ~ Suggested labs for this are Spectracell, Nutreval, LabCorp, or Great Plains labs.
Run reports on your 23andme data once complete. ~ Suggested reports
are via 'Sterling's App', or via Livewello. As well, we run massive custom reports for you and use other labs as well.
5. Get a complete GI profile such as via Doctor's Data.
6. Get a Consultation scheduled to review all of the information and get the big picture and suggestions.
Put a plan in place (Always consult a medical professional to be safe in your choices), start slow, go steady, and adjust it as you go
along. This is KEY. As certain enzyme functions regulate, others will
need adjusting via foods, herbals etc. As one level of 'you' gets on
the right track, other enzymes, or snps, can 'wake up' as well. Through
food, nutrition and herbals, you can upregulate or downregulate many
functions that are too slow, or fast. This is why you need consultations
with a practitioner 'In the know' about system responses. Take the suggestions, do your homework. This is powerful knowledge all about YOU.
8. Listen to you body, it tells you so much! And, Enjoy the path to a better feeling you :)
Some things that are almost always a given in a plan are ;
1. Healing Intestines and GI
2. Addressing 'Leaky' cells, or, Cell Permeability issues
3. Addressing Enzyme snp dysfunction where possible
4. Lifestyle changes ~ Reduce / remove Synthetnics
5. Diet changes ~ Based on Genetic information, Clean water are MUSTS
6. Herbal and Nutritional supplements~ The less excipients the better.
7. Reducing inflammation ~ Multiple sources such as Brain, GI, Systemic, PN, Acidosis
Finding Happiness ~ Eencourage yourself on this road to wellness each
day. Find the bits and pieces in your health that are showing improvement, and be happy about
them.... And, remember that wellness and health are each a process. It takes a moment for the damage, but much longer to heal.
Some things that are NOT always best :
therapy is not for everyone - Test, look at what your body can
tolerate, make sure balance in your vitamins and minerals are kept
throughout the process.
There is such a thing as 'Too much of a good thing'. Do not overdo supplements or herbals in your rush to get better.
Avoid :
Folic acid
Processed Foods
Pesticides - especially if you have active G6PD dysfunction.
'Bad' Fats
Certain Excipients, Medicines, and Supplements - these are via CLIA labs as possible issues, use this tool to get additional testing if needed.
Body wellness takes time, a regiment, and clear goals. It is possible,
it can be done, and the Snow Flake Effect can be utilized for
individual, targeted goals to be met! It makes each of us so unique, special, and interesting, and
gives vital clues about what is best for each of us....
Have you started your healing journey?
If you have, I am happy for you, for knowledge is a wonderful thing!
May You be Well, be Happy, & be Healthy!
~ Meggan
SnowDrop Herbals
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I am a Wellness Coach and work with Nutrition, Diet, Herbal and Genetic Analysis Suggestions and Best Practice information, and assist you in meeting goals.